Grant Programs
The Rankin Philanthropic Foundation has developed five distinct grant programs in the form of focused projects, to further the mission of the Foundation and to ensure its endeavours are conducted so as to have the widest reach and the most lasting impact. For more information on the specific aspects of each of the programs, or to determine which program(s) would best align with the needs and objectives of your organisation or institution, please contact the Foundation at
This grant program provides consultation services and/or financial support to dioceses, qualifying parishes, seminaries, religious orders, universities and other organisations seeking to promote greater appreciation for, and wider use of, the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite of liturgy. Intended as a humble and obedient response to the Holy Father's 2007 papal decree Summorum Pontificum, the Project Sacred Liturgy grant program was the Foundation's first focused effort implementing its philanthropic mission. |
His Eminence Raymond Cardinal Burke on the Traditional Latin Mass
It has been suggested by many prominent Catholics, both clergy and laity, that Summorum Pontificum is the Magna Carta for the Traditional Latin Mass, ushering in a gradual but steadfast return to the beauty, splendour, reverence and mystery which foster the "sense of the sacred" and encourage deeper spiritual participation in the Holy Mass. Indeed, the Foundation believes that Summorum Pontificum is the very cornerstone of the contemporary liturgical reform movement in the Church. Since ascending the throne of St. Peter in 2005, His Holiness Benedict XVI has consistently encouraged--through papal decrees, in apostolic letters and exhortations, in scholarly writings and by example--traditional liturgical practices and devotions, the use of traditional vestments and sacred music as well as a revival of Latin in parts of the Novus Ordo Mass (Ordinary Form). Likewise, Benedict XVI has sought to abolish the many modern liturgical abuses that have crept into the Novus Ordo Mass since its promulgation in 1969 by vigorously correcting widespread and serious misinterpretations of the Second Vatican Council, particularly misinterpretations involving Vatican II pronouncements on the sacred liturgy and ecumenism.
Through the Project Sacred Liturgy grant program, the Foundation hopes to assist the Church as She embarks on a great and holy journey to fully recover the timeless beauty, sacred traditions and divine truths that are so abundantly present in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite. The Foundation believes that through prayerful rediscovery of the rich liturgical patrimony of Holy Mother Church, the Faithful will better understand the central importance, both for our Catholic Faith and for our culture, of the Traditional Latin Mass. |
This grant program was developed by the Foundation to provide financial and/or consulting support to qualifying parishes or other organisations desiring to execute church or chapel restoration or beautification plans. Such plans should be intended to improve the quality of the ecclesial architecture and decoration, with the cumulative result being a significant augmentation of the "sense of the sacred" experienced by both the clergy and the laity during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the Stations of the Cross, the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament or other liturgical ceremonies. Projects designed for the preservation of existing traditional ecclesial architecture, artworks and decoration will also be considered for grants.
This grant program offers funding and/or consultation services to qualifying private or parochial elementary schools, high schools, academies and preparatory schools for: i) the procurement of high-quality catechetical materials regarding the Faith, either for classroom or library use; ii) the creation, and subsequent support, of traditional latin choirs ("schola") for the primary purpose of assisting during the celebration of Holy Mass; and iii) special field trips or projects designed to contribute positively to students' catechesis in the Faith. |
- Project Natural Law
It would be no exaggeration to assert that the very foundation of civil society is the Natural Law. Man, by his very nature, is endowed, by Almighty God, with both intelligence and free will, and consequently possesses fundamental rights that are universal, inviolable and, as such, inalienable. According to the Compendium of Social Doctrine of the Church, No. 153, "the ultimate source of human rights is not found in the mere will of human beings, in the reality of the State, in public powers, but in man himself and in God his Creator." Indeed, as His Holiness Pope Pius XI so poignantly wrote in his famous encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge to the German people suffering under the Nazi dictatorship:
"We are especially referring to what is called the natural law, written by the Creator's hand on the tablet of the heart and
which reason, not blinded by sin or passion, can easily read. It is in the light of the commands of this natural law, that
all positive law, whoever be the lawgiver, can be gauged in its moral content, and hence, in the authority it wields over
conscience. Human laws in flagrant contradiction with the natural law are vitiated with a taint which no force, no power
can mend".
Hence, this grant program was initiated by the Foundation to provide funding and/or consultation services to qualifying institutions and organisations which seek to develop academic programs expounding the importance of the Natural Law and its centrality to a more complete, accurate understanding of the core values underpinning the modern notion of human rights, various aspects of international law as well as many of our occidental principles of governance. The Foundation also desires to encourage existing courses in comparative juridical and socio-political studies to promote a deeper appreciation of the profound influence Natural Law should continue to have on domestic legislative processes and the administration of justice. The Foundation believes that Natural Law can play an important role in ensuring genuine progress toward deeper and lasting international cooperation, including universal acceptance of those fundamental human rights and responsibilities which have the Natural Law as their foundation. Moreover, and perhaps most significantly, Project Natural Law strives to foster a keen awareness among policy-makers, academics and students that regarding legitimate human rights, as His Holiness John Paul II wrote in Ecclesia in America "no human authority may infringe [or expand] upon them by appealing to majority opinion or political consensus on the pretext of respect for pluralism and democracy."
- Project Lux Veritatis
For details about this grant program please contact the Foundation at
Grantmaking Policy
Grantmaking is the most important single activity of the Foundation and the raison d'etre for its existence. It is through the grantmaking process that the Foundation is able to turn the cohesive philanthropic vision of its mission into grants that have a positive spiritual and intellectual impact. Consequently, the Foundation has adopted a comprehensive set of guidelines to assist its Board of Trustees with the necessary research, analysis and decision-making that characterises all effective grantmaking.
The Foundation's grantmaking policy and guidelines can be accessed by logging in with your organisation's username and password on the Board of Trustees page of the website. The pamphlet Guidelines for Grantseekers, which includes the Foundation's grant proposal evaluation checklist, grantee reporting requirements, sample grant agreement letters and the grantee self-evaluation form can also be accessed from the Board of Trustees page of the website by those organisations and institutions already invited by the Foundation to submit a grant proposal for consideration.
The Foundation's grantmaking policy and guidelines can be accessed by logging in with your organisation's username and password on the Board of Trustees page of the website. The pamphlet Guidelines for Grantseekers, which includes the Foundation's grant proposal evaluation checklist, grantee reporting requirements, sample grant agreement letters and the grantee self-evaluation form can also be accessed from the Board of Trustees page of the website by those organisations and institutions already invited by the Foundation to submit a grant proposal for consideration.
The Rankin Philanthropic Foundation
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