With this section of the website, the Rankin Philanthropic Foundation wishes to provide both current and potential future grantees with an array of examples of successfully executed projects/programs as well as important ecclesial documents upon which they might draw when considering the conceptual parameters and practical details of their respective plans. Specifically, the list of model projects and programs which follows aims to provide grantees with contemporaneous, constructive examples of what can be achieved in each of the five areas where the Foundation has developed specific grant programs. The list, which is by no means exhaustive, will be updated as warranted, so please refer back to the library periodically for additional ideas and inspiration.
- Model Projects for the Restoration/Beautification of Sacred Spaces
- Model Programs for the Education of Youth
-- St. Agnes Children's Choir (St. Paul, MN)
-- St. Mary's Student Schola (Norwalk, CT)
-- Words with Wings Workshop (Music Education for Catholic Schools)
-- Catholic Summer Camps for Youth (WI)
-- Catholic Summer Camps for Boys (PA, SD, NE, Dominican Republic)
- Model Programs/Lectures in the Area of Natural Law
-- Natural Law Colloquium (Fordham Law School)
-- International Organizations Law Group (Catholic Family & Human
Rights Institute)
-- Thomas International Project
-- Annual Archbishop Carroll Lecture on Natural Law, God and Human
Rights (Georgetown University)
-- The Natural Law Institute (Notre Dame Law School)
-- Natural Law, Natural Rights and American Constitutionalism (The
Witherspoon Institute)
-- Natural Law Project (Acton Institute)
-- Interview on Natural Law in Journal of Religion and Liberty (Acton
- Model Programs for Spreading Lux Veritatis
-- Thomas More Law Center
-- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center (University of Colorado)
-- Institute of Catholic Culture
-- Summorum Pontificum (2007) -- Universae Ecclesiae (2011) -- Mediator Dei (1947) -- Musicae Sacrae (1955) -- Tra le Sollecitudini (1903) -- Musicam Sacram (1967) -- Veterum Sapientia (1962) -- Lux Veritatis (1931) -- Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907) -- Fides et Ratio (1998) -- Veritatis Splendor (1993) -- Libertas Praestantissimum (1888)
-- St. Charles Borromeo's highly influential treatise on church architecture: Instructiones Fabricae Et Supellectilis Ecclesiasticae (1577) (English translation, 1977-82) |
Pope Benedict XVI Reflects on Problems with Vatican II (14. February 2013)“The Church stands and falls with the Liturgy. When the adoration of the divine Trinity declines, when the faith no longer appears in its fullness in the Liturgy of the Church, when man’s words, his thoughts, his intentions are suffocating him, then faith will have lost the place where it is expressed and where it dwells. For that reason, the true celebration of the Sacred Liturgy is the centre of any renewal of the Church whatever.”
--His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI |
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